Sunday, January 2, 2011

Through It All

In a previous blog post, I said that I intended to blog more in the future.  Well, I certainly failed miserably at that good intention. 

When I left off last time, at the end of 2008, I had no idea what the next twelve months had in store.  I had anticipated hours of writing uplifting and encouraging tidbits throughout the year.  But I actually wrote, well, practically nothing!  I must confess that by the time the year ended, I felt neither uplifted, nor encouraged, only over-whelmed and grateful that 2009 was finally behind me. 

Having just acquired an Income Tax Practice from a colleague who decided to retire, I hit the ground running in 2009.  Now, while being able to purchase a business enterprise in a down-turn economic climate is certainly a blessing, buying a TAX business in December was just this side of insanity!  It was a bit like dashing to catch a moving train, then once aboard, jostling and tripping my way from engine to caboose while the train bumped relentlessly over the rails.

At the peak of "the season" on March 14th, the train was suddenly and unexpectedly derailed on a dark winding stretch of road by an under-the-influence driver intruding into my traffic lane.  The unavoidable collision resulted in my Honda spinning out and my transporation from the scene being put into the hands of 4 georgeous young men in fireman uniforms and 2 only slightly less georgeous ones with and ambulance.  Now, had I been 30 years younger and 50 pounds lighter, this predicament might have been quite delightful, but alas, I was not, so it was merely quite humiliating!

In the end, although my poor 12-year-old Civic was a total loss, no bones were broken, no internal injuries occurred, and not a single stitch was required.  The doctor said I was "lucky".  I disagree.  It was the hand of Jesus, not random "luck" that brought me through  virtually undamaged.

Then on April 15th, the closing day of "the tax season from stessville" my train was derailed again.  Another driver, apparently of the opinion that stopping for red lights is over-rated, ran one as I was crossing an intersection.  So, for the second time in a month (yes, a month!) I was giving license and insurance information to policemen.

It was the middle of the afternoon at one of the busiest corners in Hemet.  Thankfully, there were about a dozen witnesses to vouch for my innocence and to jot down the plate number of the guy as he sped away from the scene.  This time I was not alone.  My two young grandchildren, Alexander and Elizabeth, were in the rental-car with me.  Again, by the grace of God, none of us were hurt.  (At least not physically.  Psycologically though, I must say, never having to drive a car again would be Heaven!)

As a result of these two lovely vehicle mishaps, I spent the next 10 months fighting with the California DMV due to a snafu in clearing the title for my Honda and with Hertz-Rent-A-Car due to an even bigger snafu with their damage waiver coverage.  Both issues were eventually resolved, in my favor, but what a nightmare it had been getting there! 

In mid-May I traveled to Albuquerque, New Mexico, to attend my grandson's high school graduation.  (No, I did NOT drive there!  I may be just this side of crazy, but a death-wish I do not have!)  I went via Amtrac, which fortunately stayed on track all the way there and back. 

Joshua's graduation was pretty much the only bright spot of that otherwise rather bleak year.  I will always be eternally grateful that I was able to be there with him for it.

Now just in case two car accidents was not enough drama for one year, yet another train-wreck occurred in October.  My daughter's marriage, which had been troubled for a long time, fell completely apart.  Having been a single-mother for most of Leslie's life, I knew how difficult the road that lay ahead might prove to be for her.  In the end, we both agreed that the only reasonable choice was for us to move in together so that I could be more available to assist with the needs of her two children.

The logistics of working out such a living arrangement presented some unique obstacles.  (Like requiring us to move stuff and people 30 miles in 3 seperate stages.  Now that was fun!)  But, in spite of it all, by Christmas 2009 we were pretty much setled into a three-bedroom-two-story in Moreno Valley.

In retrospect 2010, although full to overflowing, seemed quite calm and uneventful.  For starters, we got through it without denting a single fender.  Thank God!

Tax season, although just as busy, went much more smoothly and was far less stressful than it had been the previous year.  Due no doubt, to my having been much more adaquately prepared going into it.  But then again, shaving over 50 miles a day from my commute probably didn't hurt either.

It has been a year of adjustments for all of us and we have come through it better than we were when it began.  That in itself would have been more than enough good fortune after the train-wreck of 2009.  But the year held one more fabulous blessing for me, Chicken Soup published another of my stories in "Chicken Soup for the Soul, Christmas Magic".

Through it All, God's Faithfulness has been great!  HE has sustained us! HE has provided all that we have needed! HE has given us unbelievable peace in the midst of it!  Could God have prevented some of it from happening?  Absolutely. Positively. Certainly.  But if HE had, would we have been so aware of HIS Help, of HIS Faithfulness, of HIS Deliverance, or of HIS Peace?!  I very much doubt it!

 For it is in trials and difficulties that the Grace of God is most clearly evident. 
 It is in the darkest places that His Light shines most brightly.   
 In times of utter uncertainty that His Truth speaks most loudly.
 In seasons of sorrow that His Joy is made perfect.
 And in violent storms that the deepest expression of His Peace is manifested.


At January 30, 2011 at 7:30 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Hey BK, glad to see you back and writing again.Your 2010 sounded very much like ours. Maybe one day I will write about our 2010. I'm happy to see the Lord's hands upon you. I'm sorry about your daughter's marriage. I pray 2011 make up for all your losses in the last two years.


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