Saturday, January 3, 2009

Highlights of 2008

I set up this BLOG several months ago with the intention of posting grand essays to it every week. But alas, in my oh-so-over-busy life, it has sat here empty until tonight. I have resolved however, to remedy that in 2009. Not because I anticipate my life getting less over-busy, for quite the opposite is more likely. But, well frankly, because I am finding that the busier my life gets, the more I need an outlet that feeds my soul and writing feeds my soul like nothing else.

As I reflect upon the crazy year that was 2008, with its roller-coaster stock-market, sky-rocketing-then plunging gas prices, record unemployment, housing crisis, bail-out mess, and the most sensational presidential election in history, I feel blessed to have survived it all.

To be quite honest, I feel more than blessed, if that is possible, because I not only survived it, but by God's grace, I thrived in it. In March, I saw the fulfillment of a dream when "Chicken Soup" bought and published one of my stories in "CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE ADOPTED SOUL".

In June I traveled to Jamaica to participate in the wedding of a dear friend’s daughter. It is a breathtakingly beautiful country. (as the picture above will attest) While I was there I had some very “no-way in the USA” experiences which included climbing up a waterfall and riding all over the country in a bus so loaded with passengers that we didn’t need seat belts because nobody could move enough to scratch their nose, much less fall out if the thing rolled over!

In September, my sister Denise and I participated in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure as part of TEAM MARTINI. We had a blast for a really good cause.

And in December, I was able to substantially increase my Bookkeeping and Tax Practice with the acquisition of a retiring colleague’s business.

It was a very eventful year indeed! One which I am sure none of us will soon forget. In looking back, I am humbled by everything the Lord did with my life, in spite of it all.

As we move into 2009 I am eagerly anticipating what lies ahead, because God has a plan. It is a good plan, full of hope and promise. Knowing that encourages me, I pray that it encourages you as well.

Happy New Year Everyone!


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