Sunday, December 25, 2011


“The Virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call Him, Immanual – which means, God with Us.”

The uniqueness of His conception, the miraculous works of His hands, and His glorious resurrection from the dead reflect a Mighty God to whom nothing is Impossible.

This Mighty God is Our Redeemer, the Christ, Our Savior, the Messiah.

This Messiah is a compassionate and long-suffering Redeemer, who delights every day in showing us new Mercies.

This Redeemer is a Wonderful Counselor, by our side, pleading our case, our ever faithful Advocate.

This advocate is the Word of God, who became flesh and made his dwelling among us, to make us aware of our deepest Need.

This Word is the Lamb of God, who takes away our sin, so that with His Father we can be United.

This lamb is our Prince of Peace, who will never leave or forsake us and promises to give us grace in Abundance.

This Prince of Peace is the only begotten Son of the Everlasting Father, who was given, so that we can have Eternal Life.

This begotten Son is the one, who was to be called Immanual.

God With Us...Who right now, on our behalf is:

                 Working out the Impossible...
                   Performing the Miraculous…
                            Extending Mercy…
                  Interceding and Advocating…
                               Meeting Needs…
                               Building Unity…
                            Providing Abundantly…
   Lighting the Way to Everlasing Life.

                                                I M M A N U A L  .....  God Is With You!!!